Wednesday, May 19, 2010

JW Witness

So this Sunday morning (my birthday mind you) 2 sweet Jehovah's Witness people came knocking on my door. Frankly, I was excited. The only time JWs have visited I've either been asleep, so someone else has gotten to the door before me.

I played curious and open. I told them straight I was an Atheist which received a strange surprised reaction. They proceeded to share verses with me, I told them I was a Bible student and knew the story. That actually I had been a Christian my whole life. When asked, told them quite honestly why I left and why I don't plan on coming back.

So I invited them in to share/sell their wares. We had a nice chat.

Why did I do this? I'm not sure. Maybe I sympathize with them. Maybe I see my old self witnessing to people with the honest love and concern for their souls. Maybe it's a catharsis process for me, to really seal the deal or to see if I really do buy what I tote (dad claims everyone deep down believes there is a God, in other words "They can't believe in a loving God Who doesn't believe in atheists " ~ Skillet). Or maybe it's because they are the only people I have met who has cared about my soul? Out of all my Christian family, extended church family, and "friends" these ladies are the first to witness to me. And sure, I know the story more than anyone, but is "it's just a phase you'll get over" really the right reaction for family and friends to have?

Whatever reasons you want to attribute to my openness and willingness to listen to them, they wanted to set up their weekly sharings and Bible Studies and I said sure? Why not? They claim they don't want to convert me, and of course that's not true. So our meetings will probably end when they are convinced I have no intention of changing, or whenever I start getting a little too frisky and argumentative.

So, after saying that, this should be interesting. I will share what I learn, share what I tried to help them to learn, and any internal struggles I face if I do face them.


  1. I did the same thing Sarah..I studied with a Jehovah Witness named Linda when i lived in RI...her beliefs challenged me..we studied for two years..she became a good friend :)

  2. That's so cool! =) What do you think of the JWs? Through the light of your own religious persuasion. Many Xtians I ask for some reason don't like them, or think they're weird.

    I'm hoping it'll be a growing experience. For both of us. I just hope they can be as open as I am and we can have mutual learning.

  3. Just did a bit of reading about them, and they believe some things that most Christians would find strange or dangerous, or at the least unusual. I... tend to agree. I think it's an interesting perspective, but between the fact that they think only *they* will go to Heaven and the fact that they have a central command-type-thing, I have trouble not classifying them as a cult. :/

    I look forward to hearing more about your interactions with them, though. I personally judge a Christian not by doctrine but by love, since despite my own apostasy I consider the failure to maintain a love-oriented worldview to be a failure of the Christian mission. Hell, I'd still potentially BE a Christian if more Christians were better at loving people.

    Although I do loathe stupid people. ^^;

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Saw this at my local Family Christian Store today:

    Pretty extensive attack on the JW beliefs and the reasons why most Christians dislike them. Just seeing if you might be interested. It's short enough really to just go to the store and flip through it, if you haven't already. The bit I could stand to read seemed a little unfair, so you'll at least get to see how they're perceived and why.

  6. I guess I'm behind on your posts, but this just caught my eye:
    "Out of all my Christian family, extended church family, and "friends" these ladies are the first to witness to me. And sure, I know the story more than anyone, but is "it's just a phase you'll get over" really the right reaction for family and friends to have?"
    Do you really think your family and friends don't take you seriously? I'm willing to bet they do... and are scared. (You seem to understand this in the case of JW parents of a child in need of a blood transfusion.) Of course they say "it's just a phase" because they love you so much.
